
Photo: Stevil



合理性を追求するだけの従来の農法を捨て、自然のやり方をまねてみたら、より効率的な栽培が可能になった -- フォレスト・ガーデンは、若い森の生態系の研究から生まれた、農地を空間として三次元的に使う農法です。



Sometime plants are here specifically for bees.



Photo: Wikipedia



気分悪いからというだけでなにも考えずに殺虫剤を買ってきて蟻を殺し、汚れは洗剤を買ってきて掃除する… 極めて無知で野蛮な、“当たり前の”行為について思いを巡らしている横を、今日もうちの掃除婦さんたちの行列が通っていきます。


A “forest garden” is a three dimensional garden of useful plants. So there is trees, shrubs, ground cover plants, perennial plants, all designed to maximize beneficial interactions and minimize competitions designed to be sustainable in a long term by having plants feed other plants, by having plants for bees to sustain pollinating population.

Sustainable from other ways too, because most of the plants are perennial, trees or small plants, and so the soil is not dug most of the time. And not digging the soil is really important in tarms of sustainability because everytime you dig the soil, a lot of carbon goes into the air.

This is looking quite good at the moment.

This is “Chinese dog wood”, which is, as you can see, fantastic beautiful plant and flower but actually has a very nice edible fruit, which fllows later in the year.

A part from fruit, there are various other things you can grow and I do in this forest garden, so I include medicinal plants, I include plants for dyeing, for basketry use, plants for fibers, there are of course a lot of bee plants, sometime plants are here specifically for bees. So you might look at a paticular plant in this forest garden, I won't neccessary harvest that plant myself. It might have a system function in terms of feeding other plant or it might be here specifically for bees because it flowers good time of year for bees and so on. So there is plants for all sorts of different uses.

There is... I think forest garden will have a role to play. There are, you know there's an awful lot of interest at the moment, in forest gardens.

Of course mainstream of agriculture is completely depended on oil and what happens to oil will have a bigger effect, of course the oil price almost certainly go up and up over the next decade to come because the demand will exceed supply.

In this country particullary you know, farmers don't tend to know much about trees, and forest does not do much about the farming. And agroforestry, which is kind of in the middle of two. Therefore it seems quite difficult for people at farms to accept because they are not comfortable with trees, so that's a potential problem. That could slow down the implementation of more agroforestry based system on farmlands but I think it needs to happen. And I think it slowly will happen. But unfortunately i think it'll take a crisis or two, you know a serious crisis or two, to actually jolt the powers that be into actually making it happen quicker.

This is one of my main salad leaves from the forest garden. The young leaf you use, this kind of leaf, not the old ones. The old ones would be tough.

An interesting parallels to times which may be coming, when in the cold war years, the Soviet Union did a lot of fruit breeding because they wanted to be self-sufficient in fruit. They didn't want to have to import fruit from a long distance where particularly from the west.

And so there were a lot of interesting fruit breeding, this is one of the plants they bred in fact, and that has a parallel in that, of course at the moment, as a country we import a lot of our food and there's no reason why we couldn't more or less grow most of it here. And of course that's got to be sensible from our sustainability and resilience aspect. It's got to be sensible although goverment haven't got it yet.

Forest gardens are resilient because of the diversity. It's diversity of structure, so a lot of different plants on a different levels but also diversity of species. This forest garden has about 550 species in it, which is probably more than the most because I'm doing a lot of reserch and experimenting as well but it's very common for a forest gardens to have 200 species in. A majority of wich will be food plants which to us when we used to eating 20 types of vegetable or something, if you're talking about 200 types of food plant people initially might be slightly overwhelmed. But actualy I regard that is actualy proven much more normal than relying on 20. If you look at our near relatives things like orangutans, they regulary eat 400 different types of leaf and fruit. They know everyone, they recognize everyone, they know exactry what they are picking. There's no reason we couldn't do the same and I suspect diverse diet will lead to more resilient people as well.
フォレスト・ガーデンの強い回復力はその多様性によるものです。たくさんの植物が各層に別々にある構造の多様性だけではなく、種の多様性もまた顕著です。このフォレスト・ガーデンにはおよそ550種が共存しています。これは通常より多いはずです ― 調査と実験に使用していますから。しかし一般のフォレスト・ガーデンでも200種はくだりません。そしてそのほとんどが食用の植物です。ただ、私たちが習慣的に食べている野菜は20種類ほどですから、200種などと言うと最初は驚かれます。しかし実際には20種類の野菜に頼るよりずっと自然なのは明らかなのです。人類と近縁の動物、例えばオランウータンは、日常的に400種類もの葉や果物を食べています。彼らはそれらを全て見分け、何を選ぶべきかを完全に理解しているのです。人間にだってそうできるはずですし、多彩な食習慣は人の回復力も高めるのではないでしょうか。

Bamboos are fantastically useful plants, of course in China and Japan, other parts of Asia, they use bamboos for more things than you could think of.

This one is growing about 20 cm a day at the moment because of this warm weather. You can actually hear them growing. Bamboos are the only plants I can claim to heard growing because when it's growing that fast, you put your ear near the top you can hear the fibers on ferning and crackling away. I just cut the top off of that and cut it down the middle. It's very interesting inside you'll see, you can see what are going to be the nose which are these bits on the bamboo cane. And everything inside that white or light green is edible so you peel off the outer leaves and the inside bit is edible. You normaly steam that. Steam it for 5 or 10 minutes, because they're normaly bitter boiled.

This garden is now 16 years old and I've certainly seen, I've seen climate changes in that time. Mainly increased average temperatures and fewer spring frost.

Dry spring is something that most farmers hate because they've just sown all the spring crops or hold calculus for that matter and dry weather is just what they don't want in springs, so that could be quite severe in terms of growing annual plants. So obviously if you're growing perennial plants, a dry spring is more or less irrelevant, you know won't have very much affect at all. And similarly extremes of weather other times of year, are going to have much less effect on parennial crops than on annuals is a rule.
ほとんどの農家は乾燥した春を嫌います。種を蒔いたばかりだというのに、台無しになってしまうかもしれませんし、春先の乾燥した気候だけは絶対に避けたいのです。とくに 一年生植物の栽培には深刻な影響があります。しかし多年生植物の栽培は、春の乾燥にほぼ無関係で、影響はほとんどありません。また同様に、他のどの時期の荒天でも、多年生植物は一年生植物ほど影響されません。

Fungi are probably the most important organisms of all in this forest garden. And of course most of the time we don't see it because they are under the soil surface. And fungi I'm talking about are mycorrhizal fungi which are beneficial fungi that foam relationships with almost all plant roots. And they do some amazing things. When they form an association with plant roots, they basically give the plants hard to get nutrients because fungi can get those out of the ground much more efficiently than plants. And plants gives a fungi some sugars in return so it becomes a symbiosis. But they do other things as well. They protect the plants from diseases, and they move nutrients around in natural ecosystems and in something like forest garden. If there's more nutrients of one sort in one part of the soil and lack in another part of the soil, these fungies will move it, phisically move it from one place to another and tree in another place will use it. So that's how things like nitrogen from a nitrogen fixing trees gets around to fruit trees that need it. The fungi move it for you.

The other things that these fungi do, which is really only just have been discovered in the last few years, that they are critical in sequestering carbon in stable states in soil. So without them, you won't get sequestration into the soil. And of course you don't get these fungi where you dig the soil. And there's huge potential, you know sequestering more carbon into the soil, and certainly everybody seems to want to do that. But to do that, you gonna have to move to much more perennial system.

This is “poke root”, which is a quite a well-known american wild edible =これはヤマゴボウです。アメリカではよく知られた野生の食用植物です。

You eat shoots come through which are tend to be beginning of June, so it's a that kind of very late spring crop really and the shoots come through really thick as you can see here. You cook those and they are sort of earthy asparagus flavor to them, really really substantial vegetable. But poisonous when it's raw, so you have to cook it. There is a lot of plants we eat that are poisonous in one state or another. I would always think, you know if potatoes were discovered now they probably wouldn't be allowed in this country because green potatoes are quite poisonous.

In my estimate is that, you could certainly feed 4 or 5 people off an acre of forest garden.

I use a lot of aromatic plants down in my perennial layers, so a lot of different types, a lot of mint for example and lemon balm, oregano another herbs. Some of which of course is hervested but it's doing some useful functions even if you don't hervest it down on this layer because they are rich in essential oils, mints and other aromatic plants and that you know essential oils are anti bacterial and antifungal. So haveng those in understory layers should have a protective effect for other plants in terms of reducing bacterial diseases and fungal diseases.

The “medlar” is a fantastic fruit tree which a lot of people don't know. You can see the young fruits here, these grow till about 3, 3 and half centimeters diameter and ripe on the trees in worm summers otherwise you pick them at the fist frost and take them indoors and they ripen. They have sort of very sweet sort of dates, baked apple type flavor to them, really nice edible fruit. And also again very low maintenence. Doesn't have any pests or diseases. It just looks after itself.

Monocultuer crops have been dominating all agricultual research for hundreds of years. And even now mainstream agricultural scientists, they don't like looking at more than one crop in one place. Make things very complicated for them.

This is sichuan pepper, which is obviously commercial crop grown in China mainly. But it's a shrub as you can see, a larger shrub. And you can see it's just finished flowering, just starting to form the pepper corns here. And each of those will form a roundish fruit with a black seed in the middle and a sort of pink shell around the outside. It's actually the pink shell is the spice. You don't have to use black pepper if you have something like this.



Nature is trying very hard to make us succeed, but nature does not depend on us. We are not the only experiment.

R. バックミンスター・フラー

2011/08/03 by Tate Slow
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