
Photo: NPR

ジョン・ケージ氏が1952年に作曲した曲、4'33は、4分33秒にわたって、なんの楽器も演奏しない曲です。でもそれはただの無音なのでしょうか? ローレンス・フォスター指揮、BBC交響楽団よる演奏です。



リッスン (2004)より
When I hear what we call music, it seems to me that someone is talking. And talking about his feelings, or about his ideas of relationships. But when I hear traffic, the sound of traffic, here on 6th avenue for instance, I don't have the feeling that anyone is talking. I have the feeling that the sound is acting. And I love the activity of sound. What it does is it gets louder and quieter, and it gets higher and lower, and it gets longer and shorter… it does all these things which I'm completely satisfied with that. I don't need sound to talk to me.

We don't see much difference between time and space. We don't know where one begins and the other stops. So that most of the arts that we think of is being in time and most of the arts we think of is being in space. Marcel Duchamp for instance, began thinking of music as being not a time art but a space art. And he made a piece called “Sculpture musicale”, which means different sounds coming from different places, and lasting, producing a sculpture which is sonorous and which remains.
私たちは、時間と空間の違いをよくわかっていない。どちらがどこからはじまって、どこで終わるか知らないんだ。だから思いつくほとんどのアートは時間に存在しているし、思いつくほとんどのアートは空間に存在している。マルセル・デュシャンの場合は、音楽は時間芸術ではなく空間芸術だと考えるようになって、“Sculpture Musicale=音楽的彫刻”という作品をつくった。この作品が意図してるのは、いろんな音が、いろんな場所からやってきて、とどまって彫刻を形成し、深く共鳴して、残存するということなんだ。

People expect “listening” to be more than listening. And so sometimes they speak of “inner listening”, or the “meaning of sound”. When I talk about music, it finally comes to people's mind that I'm talking about sound that doesn't mean anything, that is not “inner” but is just “outer”. And they say those people who understand that finaly say : “you mean it's just sounds?”, thinking that for something to just be a sound is to be useless. Whereas I love sounds, just as they are. And I have no need for them to be anything more, than what they are. I don't want them to be psychological, I don't want a sound to pretend that it's a bucket, or that it's president, or that it's in love with another sound. I just want it to be a sound.

I'm not so stupid either. There was a German philosopher who is well known, Emmanuel Kant. And he said there are two things that don't have to mean anything : one is music and the other is laughter. Don't have to mean anything, that is in order to give us very deep pleasure. You know that, don't you?

The sound experience which I prefer to all others, is the experience of silence. And silence almost everywhere in the world now is traffic.

If you listen to Bethoven or Mozart, you see they are always the same. But if you listen to traffic, you see it's always different.
注: トラフィック=交通、とは限らず、ジョン・ケージ氏の真意が不明だったので、元のワードのままにしてあります。人やモノ、情報やお金も、行き交えば“トラフィック”と表現できるので。



Photo: John Cage Trust

In the dark, all cats are black

~John Cage

2011/07/19 by Tate Slow
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